What To Post In December

Dec 01, 2021

Hey babes!

So let's talk about what to post on your instagram for December. This is the start of such an amazing season and it's such an awesome time to connect with your followers on a more personal level! I know during the start of the season it can be so insanely busy in the salon, but it is so important to show up. 

This is a perfect time to get your audience to really connect with you as a person & someone who can help them!  So here is your “What To Post “ Guide For December 

Week 1 Give a Gift to Your Audience

This is a great way to get the attention of your audience & help them with something. Post an Instagram reel or some carousel pictures (numerous pics on 1 feed post like swipe pics)  on your feed of your favorite technique or maybe your 3 top color formulas. Go through your photos and find some client photos and add in their formula to the pic or in the captions. Not only will this attract new followers because it gives gobbs of value but it can start establishing yourself as the expert! So whether it's your favorite color formula, placement or techniques, share something that you know your followers would find so valuable it will feel like a gift!

(hint: if your idea makes you feel like it’s too good info that you don’t want to share , then that's a sign that it's perfect! )

 Week 2  Best Thing You Have Ever Bought Yourself

Find a super cute selfie , or take a cute pic of your favorite product, because this week will be all about the best gift you have ever bought yourself! Did you save and save and buy yourself an awesome bag? Pair of shoes? A really amazing pair of shears? Or maybe your Dyson?.. Whatever it is, I want you to post on how you got the money for it, how it made you feel when you bought it, and how it helps you or makes you feel when you use it, wear it , etc.

Then in the caption, ask your followers to post below what THEIR favorite thing they ever bought themself was! This is a great way to get engagement!

Week 3  When Things didn’t quite go as planned 

This is a great topic for creating that known like & trust factor . Your Instagram may be all about your services but this is a great way to be relatable & real! What goals did you have for 2021 that didn't quite pan out? Tell us about them, then tell us how you can set up for a better 2022! Make them a part of your journey so they can root for you ! 

Week 4  Resolutions

I know, resolutions  right ...duh, but I want you to put a spin on it! I want you to post some of your resolutions for 2022 but I also want you to give 2022 a power word! Like what do you want to focus on for the coming year. 


Share your word and what you want to accomplish for 2022. You can ask your audience which word of the year they are choosing & tell you in the comments below. This post can be a pic, or a reel! Have fun & take action!

And there you have it! 4 engaging post ideas that can help you get through each week and tackle your December with your social!

With these ideas , you have all the tools to stay active during this crazy month! Have fun and turn these into a reel or have fun in stories!  & Remember ……

You don't have to be good to get started, but you do have to get started to get good!

 As always I appreciate you so much for hanging out with me and I will see you again very very soon!!

Happy Holidays & I’ll see you next year !



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